Greater Love - John 15:13

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Love... The one thing we all need. The one thing we are desperate for is love. God is that love. God is a holy, holy, holy lover. Jesus displays God’s love relationally and personally. I can trust in God’s love because of Jesus. When I am faced with the perfection of God and His love, my own capacity to love is just pale and weak. In fact, the difference between my ability to love and God’s ability to love is so vast. Jesus’s love is seen throughout His perfect life, His perfect death and His perfect, tremendous, victorious resurrection. Jesus freely laid down His life and exchanged, not just heaven for earth, but heaven for death. The cost was massive but the gift of His love is free. Greater love has no one than this: than to lay down his own life for his friends. Jesus did this for me. 

My debt Jesus paid, but my debt to Him is eternal. This debt is a debt of love and of loving service. Jesus’ love compels me to love. His love softens my heart. I need it every day to soften me. There is no way I can love God and love others without this love. That is His desire for me and my life each day. I fail in my love for Jade, for Hannah, for Joel, for my parents, for my in-laws, for my relatives, for my colleagues, for my friends and for Jesus. ‘Lord Jesus, please help me today. I turn from myself and turn to you. Please give me a fresh filling of your love through your Holy Spirit. Help me to love like you. Help me die to myself. Help me have faith in you throughout the situations of today. Help me lay down my life. Amen.’

Application: I will lay down and put away distractions of technology for my own personal use for the rest of the week during the day. I will also have wee dates for an hour or two during the week with Jade, Hannah and Joel. I will try and do the same with the guys. Through wise use of my time, I can show love to God and to the people around me whom I care about so deeply.


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